



1."The leaders agreed that the Olympic Games in Tokyo could stand as a beacon of hope to the world during these troubled times and that the Olympic flame could become the light at the end of the tunnel in which the world finds itself at present," the statement said. "Therefore, it was agreed that the Olympic flame will stay in Japan. It was also agreed that the Games will keep the name Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020."


2.When you read the headline 'Belgians urged to eat more fries' you may think it's a joke, but in Belgium, it was a serious request. The country's potato industry has been hit hard by COVID-19. When the virus began shutting down Italy, Spain and eventually Belgium, the crisis was in full swing, according to Romain Cools, the Secretary-General of Belgapom, which oversees Belgium's potato trade and processing industry.


在疾病隐喻中,苏珊·桑塔格(Susan Sontag)追踪了与疾病相关的隐喻的影响-特别是结核病和癌症-以及它们是如何无情地应用于病人,以至于有时它们掩盖了疾病的本质。上个世纪之交,据说人们因为“激情太浓”而患上肺结核,而半个世纪后,人们却因为心理压抑或“激情不足”而患上癌症。桑塔格写道:“我的观点是,疾病不是一种隐喻,看待疾病最真实的方式--也是最健康的生病方式--是最纯净、最抗拒隐喻思维的一种方式。”从1989年开始,她给艾滋病流行带来了同样的信念,展示了正如主流隐喻所说的那样,人们是如何因为这种疾病是一种神圣的惩罚而生病的。她的结论是,“这种疾病引发了如此多的内疚和羞愧,努力将其从沉重的含义和误导性的隐喻中分离出来,似乎特别解放,甚至是安慰,”桑塔格的话表明,疾病的隐喻具有双重恶意:它们羞辱病人,阻碍遏制疾病和为人们提供护理所需的理性和科学的理解。把疾病当作一种比喻,就是避免、拖延甚至阻挠真正意义上的疾病的治疗。我们自己的情况是不同的,但不是无关的。我们不愿意将病毒视为字面意思,这可能使我们无法坚持和遵守防止病毒传播的标准和做法。沉迷于病毒的比喻和与之相关的术语--我们不再保持警惕。我们乘坐喷气式飞机环游世界,不再洗手。