讲座一:Stress and deformation in the intraplate lithosphere:Intraplate tectonics and basin inversion
时 间:2018年10月17日9:00-11:30
讲座二:Stress and deformation in the intraplate lithosphere:European stress field and present-day seismicity, Dynamics of Late Cretaceous-Palaeocene basin inversion in Europe
时 间:2018年10月18日9:00-11:30
讲座三:Case study: dynamics of intracratonic sedimentary basin inversion – the Dniepr-Donets Basin: Tectonic setting and the timing of inversion, Deep structure of the Donbas Foldbelt
时 间:2018年10月19日9:00-11:30
讲座四:Case study: dynamics of intracratonic sedimentary basin inversion – the Dniepr-Donets Basin:Model of intracratonic basin inversion
时 间:2018年10月22日9:00-11:30
讲座五:Continental lithosphere: heterogeneity, stretching and squeezing: Plate tectonics and lithosphere, Heterogeneity in the lithosphere
时 间:2018年10月23日9:00-11:30
讲座六:Continental lithosphere: heterogeneity, stretching and squeezing: Failure of the continental lithosphere
时 间:2018年10月24日9:00-11:30
讲座七:Case study: from basin inversion to intraplate “orogenesis” – the Greater Caucasus & Black Sea basins
时 间:2018年10月25日9:00-11:30
讲座八:Case study: from basin inversion to intraplate “orogenesis” – the Franklinian and Sverdrup basins and the Eurekan Orogen
时 间:2018年10月26日9:00-11:30
地 点:工科楼C座371(物探系会议室)
报告人简介:Randell Stephenson教授是查明教授负责的“致密油气地质与勘探创新引智基地”引进的学术骨干,英国阿伯丁大学国际知名的地球物理学家,Journal of Geodynamics主编。在Nature,Geology, Tectonophysics.,EPSL等具有国际影响力的期刊上发表文章170余篇,谷歌学术引用达6178次。