地 点:文理楼254报告厅
时 间:6月10 日
主 持 人:陈兵
9:00—10:00 报告人:张廷桂
10:00-11:00 报告人:费少明
14:00—15:00 报告人:陈传钟
15:00—16:00 报告人:陈兵
报告题目:local unitary equivalence of quantum states
摘要:In this talk, we will introduce local unitary equivalence of quantum states. We consider this issue from the following aspects: based on spectral decomposition, based on tensor decomposition, based on Bloch repression and so on.
报告人:张廷桂,海南师范大学。在德国莱比锡大学获得博士学位,师从Jürgen Jost 教授(德国科学院院士,数学菲尔兹奖获得者)。
报告题目:Probabilistic representations of solutions of elliptic boundary value problem and non-symmetric semigroups
摘要:In this talk, we use a probabilistic approach to show that there exists a unique, bounded continuous solution to the Dirichlet boundary value problem for a general class of second order non-symmetric elliptic operators L with singular coefficients, which does not necessarily have the maximum principle. The theory of Dirichlet forms and heat kernel estimates play a crucial role in our approach. A probabilistic representation of the non-symmetric semigroup {T_t}_t≥0 generated by L is also given.
报告题目: Coherent Quantum State Transfer via adiabatic passage
摘要:We proposed a method for coherent state transfer along a chain of quantum dots. Assuming that one of the dots differs from the remaining dots in the chain, they show that the system can be effectively treated a lambda type energy-level system. In this case, the well known techniques and methods for treating the dynamics can be applied directly and the quantum state transfer studied.
理学院 科技处